he Childcare Assistant is a profession which together with the medical professions requires a real vocation . To work with children requires a particular ability and predisposition to communicate with them in an empathetic and natural way, in order to create the necessary link to involve them and carry out the profession at best. In fact, even at an early age, from 0 to 6 years, children have the ability to select the adults who interest them and who conquer them, excluding all the others already at the first relational approach.
For this reason, it is very important to know the childhood universe and its nuances, striving to find the right key to enter their world made of small (for them big) things . But the vocation and the ability to create empathy obviously are not enough. Even this type of profession requires specific training that transforms the Childcare Assistant into a real profession. It is a multifaceted training course that spans several sectors.
A socio-educational operator who works with children, in fact, is engaged in recreational-recreational activities and animation, must be able to manage nutrition, must be able to give assistance in case of danger and always look after and supervise very young children, in the first and second childhood (newborn and infant). Therefore, it must have skills and abilities that are continuously updated.
he course program may contain elements of psychology and pedagogy, emotional intelligence, hygiene and well-being, the child’s mental and motor development, childhood diseases and vaccinations, first aid interventions, developmental disorders, but also administrative and web marketing elements. Those who propose to work in areas or structures that require the title of Childcare Assistant as well as professional skills, are required to have access:
At the end of the training course a certificate will be issued . Furthermore, depending on the choice of the accredited and certified training institution , certificates can also be issued for: pediatric first aid; animation techniques; meeting with an autistic child; know the Bes (special educational needs, for example children with attention disorder); the Montessori method and infant massage. At the end of the training it is then necessary to take action to find an internship. The training center where the course took place can assist in finding a structure and in managing the practices to activate it. The internship or internship is a very important phase of the training path because it allows you to gain experience in the field and have a first and important contact with the world of childhood. In addition, the internship is very qualifying , therefore once the training period at a structure is over, you are able to practice the profession immediately.