How childcare shapes children’s learning

Childcare is an essential step that shapes your child’s learning and development. It provides structured opportunities for them to grow socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Children require high-quality child care for a foundation of lifelong learning.

 What your child will learn at a Forbes Childcare

•            At Forbes Childcare, children learn important social skills and interact with their peers and educators.

•            They learn how to share their friends and relatives. In other words, they learn the importance of teamwork.

•              Children learn conflict resolution. They are guided by their educators to practice resolving disagreements respectfully.

•            Regular interaction improves language and listening skills.

 These are necessary skills that teach children how to understand relationships and work with others.

 Emotional growth

•            Childcare helps your child understand and manage emotions. Children learn self-regulation. The educators model and encourage responses by giving children several challenges.

•            When children achieve new tasks, it helps build a sense of self-worth and gives them confidence.

•            This setting for the awareness of other’s feelings. Children develop empathy and understand the needs of others.

Academic Learning

•            Children are introduced to academic concepts in a fun and engaging manner. They learn through activities like storytelling and songs, which help them recognize letters and sounds.

•            They learn numeracy by counting games and puzzles which introduce basic math skills.

•            Open activities encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.

 These lessons help children become more independent they learn all the important things while enjoying themselves

 The lessons help children become independent. They learn important things while enjoying themselves. When children join daycare, they learn about routine and structure. Children are provided with consistent daily routines. This predictability makes them feel secure.

Children learn responsibility by managing simple tasks like tidying up. They are prepared for school when they follow a structured routine. It is something they will experience in primary school.

 Becoming familiar with routines makes it easy for children to adjust to new environments.

 Preschool and early learning emphasize physical development. Children have enhanced gross motor skills by practicing outdoor activities like running, climbing, and jumping. These build strength and coordination.

 Games like crafts and puzzles enhance fine motor skills. They improve hand-eye coordination.

 Children learn healthy habits; they get proper nutrition, which promotes overall well-being.

 Children are taught through creative play. It is an essential part of all childcare programs. Children get the freedom to explore and express themselves through art, painting, and drawing. These encouraged creativity. They are also introduced to music by singing. Rhyming games, improve language and listening abilities. Children are involved in imaginative play, which helps them explore ideas and emotions.

Role of educators in early childhood education

•            Educators provide a safe learning place for your children. They are warm and supportive so children feel comfortable.

•            They provide materials and activities that enhance the child’s curiosity and encourage exploration.

•            Educators offer guidance for children to understand challenges and celebrate their success.

 Childcare is not only beneficial for children, but it’s essential for families too. It helps create a reliable work-life balance so parents can focus on their work and other responsibilities.

 Most centers offer workshops and advice for parents where they learn how to support their child at home.

 Parents need to choose high-quality childcare. Look for licensed and reputable centers that are accredited. Consider the programs that are offered and they should align with your child’s needs and interests.

Visit the center to learn more about the environment and observe interactions between children and their educators.

Childcare programs in Forbes support children’s learning by providing them with a structured and supportive environment. Children grow socially, emotionally, and academically and build essential life skills.

Preparing For Childcare: Things You Can Do

Whether you are preparing for childcare for your child or you are just starting to think about it, there are some things that you can do to prepare.

Getting a portable emergency kit

Getting a portable emergency kit for childcare is an important step to ensure that everyone’s wellbeing is taken care of. A kit should be kept in an easily accessible location and should include a few of the usual suspects. In addition to medical supplies, the kit should also include food, water, and other necessities.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends that everyone have a 72-hour emergency kit, preferably in a backpack. The 72-hour bag should contain enough food and supplies for at least three days without stores. Make sure that the bag is well stocked and includes an emergency contact list, photos of the kids with their full names, and laminated identification.

Another must-have is a flashlight with batteries. This can be purchased in a kit or on its own. If you don’t have one, you’ll probably need to make a trip to the pharmacy. You’ll also want to stock up on some vitamins and over-the-counter medications to keep your family healthy.

Labeling preschool items with child’s name and teacher’s name

Putting a label on a child’s stuff is a great way to help them find things and stay organized. A label can also help students who need extra assistance. It can also boost confidence.

There are many different ways to label a child’s stuff. Whether it’s using labels, name tags, or writing their names on their clothing, you’ll be able to help your kid find their stuff and stay organized. This can also help reduce frustration and improve productivity in the classroom.

For many parents, labeling is a time consuming process. For many, the process is time consuming, so using a label that is easy to apply can help them save some of their time. There are some good products out there, though, that can help you do it right.

Discussing your child’s temperament with the teachers

Providing early care providers with information about your child’s temperament can help you learn more about his or her individual needs. Parents can also help their children understand their own temperament and learn ways to respond appropriately. If your child has a difficult temperament, it may be helpful to give him or her time to adjust to new situations. If you notice your child is having difficulty adjusting to new situations, discuss the issue with the teacher.

Knowing your child’s temperament will help you plan activities that will suit his or her needs. For example, a child with an active temperament may have trouble settling down during quiet time at school. Similarly, a child with a shy temperament should not be forced to talk to strangers. However, it is important to make sure your child has access to the outdoors when it is convenient.

Keeping a positive attitude

Keeping a positive attitude is a great way to keep yourself and your kids happy. A positive attitude can help you solve problems quickly and help you see the good in your life. It is also a great way to encourage your children to face and overcome difficult situations.

In addition to a positive attitude, it is important for parents to set aside time to deal with emotions. It is not always easy to be positive when you are stressed. If you have a busy schedule, you might not have the opportunity to be positive. However, you can set aside time to reflect and talk with your child about how you are feeling. This will help your child deal with his or her emotions and learn how to manage them.

Teaching your child to share attention

Getting your child to share can be a challenge. There are a few strategies that will help make the task easier. You can pick out items to share and let your child decide which to share, or you can play the role of referee and enforce the rules. In the end, teaching your child to share is all about finding the right mix of expectations. The best way to go about this is to get your child to share at home first and then adjust your expectations based on what you’re able to do there.

The best way to teach your child to share is to make sure the sharing is done in a positive way. It’s all about encouraging generosity. One way to do this is to pick up a child’s prized possessions when they’re being snatched from their hands.

Be sure to send your child to the leading Nerang childcare facility.

What qualities should teachers in early learning centres have?

Teaching is among the professions that are not only satisfying but also rewarding. However, at times teaching can also be challenging since every learner depends on you as the teacher for their success. Teachers in early learning centres have many roles to serve and most of the roles require special qualities that these teachers must possess. Since kindergarten is also important here in the academic development of children, these teachers must have all it takes to help the kids develop academically. Although finding great teachers for early learning centres can be a hard task, it is always advisable that you do all you can to hire the best teachers. This is because the teachers you hire for your early learning centres will determine whether the kids in this centre are successful in their academic development.

Qualities to look for in the teachers you are hiring for your early learning centres

When you are hiring your teachers for Berwick child care and early learning services, you need to consider the following qualities:

  • Passion

One of the important qualities that every teacher should possess is passion. This is a quality that is important more than any other quality and nothing can replace passion in our teacher. When you’re hiring your teachers make sure that you look out to see whether they have passion for the job they will be doing. Since these teachers will be dealing with young kids, their job will not be as easy as most of them think and therefore they should be passionate about this challenging job. They should love their job so that they can accomplish all the goals of your early learning centre.

Apart from loving their job, they should also be passionate about kids. Most teachers think that the kids they teach are enough but it is not. Instead, the teachers in early learning centres must always love the kids they are teaching. This makes them have an easy time with these kids even when teaching seems challenging.

  • Patience

The kids in the early learning centres are unpredictable. They get easily distracted even when teaching them. Also at times, they will be overly hungry, tired, and even moody making it hard for them to learn. Unless the teacher possesses patience it can be difficult for them to deal with these children. Patience helps teachers to have an easy time with the kids and avoid getting stressed out.

  • Creative

The other quality that teachers in early learning centres should have is creativity. This is to ensure that teachers come up with great ideas when it comes to interacting with the kids in the classroom. Even if you have limited resources in your early learning centres, creative teachers will always come up with new ideas for learning.

  • Flexible

Since the kids in early learning centres are unpredictable it requires the teachers dealing with them to have the ability to adjust depending on how the kids behave. Also, teachers must adjust to the lessons’ moods and climatic changes. This is why you need to look out for these qualities in the teachers you hire for your early learning centres.

  • Competent

Although all the above qualities are necessary you may find people who are not competent but possess these qualities. However, you should not hire anyone who is not competent to handle your kids in the early learning centres. always go for teachers who are competent since they have the skills and knowledge required in teaching and handling all the kids in your early learning centres.

Always make sure that you’re not in a hurry when selecting your teachers since you may make unnecessary mistakes. Have a checklist containing the above qualities and any other you feel like so that you can select the best teachers for your learning institution. Despite the number of kids enrolled in your early learning centre, always go for the best teachers to ensure that the kids are successful in their academic development.

ISO 14001 certification

The ISO 14001 certification is a standard which allows companies to setup an environmental management system which would ensure that their organization does not contribute towards any source of pollution.

The certification was first launched in 1996, it was a standard which set out a number of requirement which helped an organization create an effective environmental management system.

The benefits of ISO 14001 certification

One of the biggest benefits of ISO 14001 is that it can help businesses save a considerable amount of money by making them save and use things sparingly. This is because the company has to recycle all their stuff and use it and dispose it of carefully.

It can actually help improve team work because every member of the company is working towards a common goal. When there are internal Communications regarding a set number of goals it can help motivate the staff and also increase interaction. This leads to improve performances and can help retain employees for a longer time. It also creates a good impression on the existing customers as well as any potential clients that a company is concerned about the environment and is ensuring that they do not contribute towards it in any wrong way.

In order to implement the environment management system the company needs to assess the environmental risk posed by the business. They would then create an environmental aspects register in which all the positive and the negative influences of the business should be documented. Once that is done the current control system should be established and any future improvements which are to be made should be written down. It is important that these improvements are implemented in order to reduce the risk of any damage to the environment.

Securing the ISO 14001 certification

If you plan on securing the certification you need to go through the 44 page document of requirements. Since you need a certification you would have to engage a certification body would assess whether your organization meets the requirements. This would be done on an annual basis in order to keep the certification for you. When the company complies with the ISO standard you can then be sure of securing the certification.

In the past decade consumers have become more conscious when making any thoughts of purchases. Most of them actually stop and think of how they purchased impact the environment. Since people are more educated on issues like air pollution and the wastage of resources they tend to be more careful and therefore prefer working with organizations who are certified for environmental  management.

Although there are businesses which have chosen to become certified, but there are more of these that a force to achieve the certification so that they are able to access new work and retain their existing clients. Majority of the respondents chose to get the certification due to the latter reason. The ISO 14001 certification has been known to make a clear and positive impact on the environment and also on a company’s reputation.

For more information, visit

Five Reasons Why You Should Take Your Child To A Daycare

Daycares were introduced to help parents or guardians with busy day schedules to get enough room to do their work as the child is being watched over by a caregiver. In this era, everyone has to work in order to contribute to the many bills and other requirements in any home. Daycare has greatly assisted parents to balance work and family affairs.

Some people still think that taking a child to a daycare is not a good idea. However, this article will outline the advantages of taking your child to a daycare centre.

Advantages of daycare centres

·         Parents get freedom

As a parent, you will not feel comfortable being far away from your child, especially if they are too young to be left alone. However, you will appreciate the care that your kid will get from a daycare centre as you go about your daily routine. With daycare, you do not have to worry about your child’s well being because they will take good care of your kid. This gives you the freedom to engage in your daily routines knowing that your kid is somewhere safe.

·         Your child gets to meet other people

It is advisable that your child should stay with a different person for some time to help break the strong mother-child bond and to help them grow and mature faster. This way, a child learns how to depend on themselves at a very young age.

·         Reduces stress

The stress of dealing with both your child and work can be real if you take things for granted. Other parents decide to take their children to their workplaces and some have been made to pay the price because children are way more stubborn than you can imagine. They may end up tearing that piece of paper that is very important to the organisation or even break something precious, which will be on you.

·         A child gets to be involved in various activities

A child is provided with plenty of activities and will not feel bored until you come back for them. They can also be divided into groups according to their age and size, then allowed to perform certain activities in those groups. Your child needs to be actively playing in order to stay active and have proper brain development, and that is one of the reasons why you need to have them in a day care as soon as possible.

·         Your child makes new friends

As you take your child to a given centre, another parent is also thinking of doing the same, thus children will find themselves amongst others in the daycare centre. This gives them the opportunity to interact and make friends outside the family tree.

Types of daycare centres

There are two main kinds of daycare centres known by most people:

·         Half-a-day care

Usually operate until noon then the parent comes back for the child. It is suitable when a parent has only a few things to do and then becomes free the rest of the day.

·         Full-day care

This operates until evening around 4-5 PM. It is convenient for parents who are usually occupied throughout the day. They can drop by in the evening and pick their child as they head home.

Depending on the nature of your job, you should decide which kind of daycare centre is suitable for you and your child. Day One Early Learning Centre have multiple locations in the city. Choose one that is nearest to your home or office.

Ways in which quality child care programs benefit kids

Today child care programs are very important to many families. Otherwise, most of the parents would always be staying at home rather than going to work so that they can take care of their kids. The good news is that child care centres and daycare centres with positive learning environments and play-based programs offer a number of benefits for children. Children who spend the day in a caring and nurturing environment get the edge they need to be successful in school and beyond. However, you have to ensure that you take your kid to the child care that has the best child care program. This is because the child care programs’ quality will really determine the impact it offers the kid. The following are some of the benefits of a quality child care program.

Impacts kids with advanced social skills

In a parenting environment, children have the opportunity to connect with their peers and interact with adults. These interactions teach them important social skills, such as how to express their ideas, how to listen to others, and how to work in groups. Children also learn to make friends, solve conflicts, and get along well. Therefore, this impacts kids with advanced social skills.

Increased attention span

Children are naturally curious and love to explore. A high-quality child care program offers many opportunities for new experiences and discoveries and offers a good balance between targeted activities. This method helps children understand how to work independently, perform group activities, and follow directions, which will help improve their concentration skills.

Better school performance

When children attend quality child care with an emphasis on early childhood education, they are better prepared for school. They have a better idea of ​​what to expect and how to behave in kindergarten, and this knowledge prepares them for success. Child care provides a physical, mental, and emotional foundation for children to succeed in school and reduces the need to provide special education for many children.

More diligent in learning

Child care centres with programs built around the curriculum around children explore new ideas and new challenges every day. Children gain confidence in their ability to understand, which increases their enthusiasm for education.

Improved behaviour

Research shows that school-aged children behave with better quality children than non-school-aged children. They learn the social skills of the day to be with other children to develop problem-solving issues and to have less age-related problems. And it doesn’t just stop all day long. The social skills they learned in daycare can improve children’s emotional and cognitive development, prevent emotional problems later in life, and encourage behavioural development.

Stronger immune system

Babies in daycare are always sick, and all the germs that many babies carry the same toys. But all this early childhood monitoring pays off by boosting your child’s immune system. Like vaccines, exposure to germs and illness in daycare helps your kids fight the disease as they get older. They are now basically eliminating everything from their system so that they can grow into healthy adults.

Brain development

The first years, from birth to 3 years, play an important role in healthy brain development. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the number and quality of connections between adults and children born to a child in the early years are important for normal brain development. These interactions determine how your child thinks, feels, acts, and relates to others.

Huge Impact of Darwin Daycare on Children

ECE or early childhood education has become a rising trend with parents in Darwin over the years. The idea of sending their precious children age between 3 to 5 years to the best Darwin daycare offers the perfect solution for working parents.

Parents have also seen the importance of sending their young children to a good Darwin daycare before kindergarten. The numerous studies showing the huge impact of daycare on the future lives of their children has convinced parents of its importance.

The multiple benefits provided by an excellent daycare facility to the growth and development of young children are hard to ignore. The consistent result of varied early childhood studies showing the valid role played by good daycare centres has made it a necessity for young children.

Sending a child to attend a reputable Darwin daycare reaps great benefits, to include:

Enhanced cognitive development

Very young children already have interaction skills. However, ensuring positive interactions is another thing. Being assured that every interaction a child makes is positive is by letting him/her attend a high-quality daycare facility.

The daily positive interaction between a child with peers and other adults is ensured with an excellent daycare centre. The IQ levels of children can quickly develop and grow when they learn to form opinions on abstract and concrete ideas.

Great social development

Social growth and development is an essential part of growing up. The interaction skills of children are enhanced when they can understand and learn the right behaviour management at a young age.

Equipping children with the right behavioural skills places them at an advantage not only with kindergarten transition but throughout their entire lives as well. Confidence-building and self-esteem skills learned at an early age become lifetime behaviour.

Develop longer attention span

The natural curiosity of children often makes them impatient. Their short attention span can become problems in later years.

The structured setting provided by daycare teaches children to develop longer attention spans. Problem-solving group activities implemented by good daycare facilities teach children important focusing skills.

Restlessness in class is positively curtailed by the care providers of top-quality daycare facilities. Sharing and taking turns are some of the positive life-forming skills taught and learned in reputable daycare centres.

Value respect

An important skill learned by children in good daycare centres is respect for other people. The value of respect taught by good daycare facilities is not only limited to belongings and people; it includes respect for the environment as well.

Develop resiliency

Children being taught resiliency skills by excellent daycare centres help them to cope with disappointments later in life. Losing at a game or getting bruised after an accidental fall from time to time and getting positive support from care providers every time teaches children coping skills. Being able to learn coping skills from a young age is a lifetime skill that will always work in the children’s favour on their journey to adulthood.

One of the important milestones in a child’s and parents’ life is attending a child care centre in Darwin. While some parents face the prospect of sending their young ones to daycare dreadful, letting them learn new skills and things makes it important. Coping with challenges life throws in the future is great legacy parents can give to their children.

Making your way around the art supply store

Let’s admit it, a visit to an art supply store can empty your wallet pretty quickly. If you are just beginning and not started selling your art yet, buying expensive supplies can be difficult. In order to ensure that you produce your best you have to buy quality products from art supply stores in Melbourne. However there are certain ways in which you can be more frugal when it comes to buying art supplies.

These include the following:

Saving money at an art supply store

  • Make sure that you rely on coupon. There are certain big craft stores which have their own coupon apps as well. Make sure you download these apps so that you can get a certain percentage of your full order. If you can get your hands on a few coupons you may not even have to pay full price for a product.
  • You can even reuse the materials. Most artist try priming or painting over old canvases. This can save loads of cash. So if you become more organized you can keep track of your paint brushes in its various stages. Sometimes that threadbare brush can still be used for mixing color or applying texture. You can use colorful stickers to put on to the brushes so you can refer to them when they are at the end of the lifecycle and use them as long as possible.
  • Make sure that you take good care of your supplies. Brushes should be cleaned immediately after they have been used. Just don’t believe the fact that artists are supposed to be scared or messy. if you pay attention to your studio and your supplies they are going to last for a longer period of time. Also if you do decide to declutter the space you may even find a new supplies if you had actually forgotten about.
  • Get your hands on a tube wringer. For someone who used a great deal of pain it is important to get off the last of out of the tubes. Everyone knows that good paints are not cheap and there for a tube ringer is one contraction who can help get out every bit of paint before you start using a new tube. You can find these easily at any art supply store.
  • If you are experimenting with a medium for the first time do not go for the professional one instead you can use student grade material to get an idea of whether you would enjoy working in that medium or not. At the art store make sure you talk to the supplier to provide you with a student with materials to help you get started.
  • One of the easiest ways of getting a discount is to look for it on the internet. Make sure to check out any local art supply stores which maybe advertising a discount on their wares.

Keeping these things in mind would help you make your way about the art supply store without breaking the bank.

Tips On Settling In Your Child In His New School

Getting settled into a new environment is a tedious task for anyone but for a child to get adjusted to a new environment is twice as hard. This becomes extra difficult when the child is not accompanied with his parents by his side. This is why many kids have trouble adjusting to the first few weeks of their new school. With an age as young as a Melbourne kindergarten age, the toddlers need to be treated with special care. Here are a few tips that might help you get your toddler acquainted with the likes of his new school.

School tours

When you visit the school, make sure you take your kid to these school tours. This will help the kid in adjusting to the place as it will be lodged in his memory somewhere. Help your kid gather confidence by letting him take the lead to visit different sections of the school. Encourage him to talk and interact with the teachers helping with the tour. Furthermore, make sure your kid memorizes the routes that you manage to take to the school. The same, busy streets will help him get familiarized with the destination that is about to be his next stop.

Special treats

Often, kids tend to get the most excited when they open their lunch boxes and see their favourite treats packed. This helps them get through the day with a rush of excitement and adrenaline. You can also help the kid to assist you in packing the lunch boxes where they could choose what kind of special treat goes along with the healthy lunch box for that particular day. Leave a little note in the boxes so that they can feel your presence right besides them in the kindergarten class. However, it may make them homesick which is why you should strike a balance in the ordeals.

Encourage friendships

The only people that your kid interacts with, besides you and the teacher, will be his few friends. Encourage your child to make friends and interact with them on a daily basis. When they turn to you for further interaction, do not turn them down. Playdates and sleepovers can be healthy at a young age, although, maybe under your supervision. These little acts of joy will help your child get settled in the new environment faster.

Give him time

To top it all off, your kid is just a child. He will require some time to get settled into his new kindergarten class. You should allow him the suitable time that he takes, even if it takes weeks or may be prolonged to months. Just let the kid become adjusted at his own pace.

Tips for having a class in harmony in kindergartens

Too often, educators will have to handle different situations with one another and if one side is the child who requires more attention because more small , the other is what the great need of stimuli to develop the intellectual faculties. However, it is possible to have a class in harmony in kindergartens, giving some precautions on the character of each pupil and on the possibility of diversifying (to homogenize) an environment made up of children of different ages.

Take into account the age of children

The classes of a kindergarten can be made up of pupils whose age can range from two to three years up to five. The nurseries also include children under the age but in this case the teaching staff is composed of educators specially trained to handle infants at a very early age .

The child begins to develop cognitive faculties already from the second year, while at the third he begins to outline what is the aspect related to reason. If in a certain age group the child acts on stimuli, he subsequently adopts rational behavior. A kindergarten class can be heterogeneous and therefore made up of children of different ages, but whose needs can vary widely. In this case, the educator should never forget the age of each pupil, considering the needs that each child shows during school hours . There are special courses to prepare the educator for any eventuality and to adopt an attitude that is most in line with the needs of each pupil. In this way it will be possible to manage the class without losing the right attention to be given to each pupil.

Often we are led to create unique recreational activities that manage to involve all the children of a single class. The reason is clear: a single game does not involve energy expenditure and does not require a maximum effort in managing multiple groups, each of which plays something different .

So you often choose activities related to drawing , acting , using interactive gamesor materials that can teach the child the colors, shapes, solids. As mentioned above, children of different ages may have different needs related to the stimuli that each of them reveals with the behavior. If at the age of three the rational sphere begins to develop evidently, a two-year-old child acts on impulse without having full knowledge of the actions he is carrying out.

Recreational activities , as many experts advise, should be studied according to the age group of each pupil, creating small groups within which different activities take place. The groups should be made up of children of the same age, to avoid bickering or misunderstandings and to involve everyone in the game that the educator proposes.

The group formed by older children can take care of games related to a logical-intellectual activity , while the group formed by younger pupils could use different materials (such as plasticine or bricks) to stimulate sensory organs such as touch and view. especially towards the little ones, preventing accidents.

How to become a Childcare Assistant

he Childcare Assistant is a profession which together with the medical professions requires a real vocation . To work with children requires a particular ability and predisposition to communicate with them in an empathetic and natural way, in order to create the necessary link to involve them and carry out the profession at best. In fact, even at an early age, from 0 to 6 years, children have the ability to select the adults who interest them and who conquer them, excluding all the others already at the first relational approach.

For this reason, it is very important to know the childhood universe and its nuances, striving to find the right key to enter their world made of small (for them big) things . But the vocation and the ability to create empathy obviously are not enough. Even this type of profession requires specific training that transforms the Childcare Assistant into a real profession. It is a multifaceted training course that spans several sectors.

A socio-educational operator who works with children, in fact, is engaged in recreational-recreational activities and animation, must be able to manage nutrition, must be able to give assistance in case of danger and always look after and supervise very young children, in the first and second childhood (newborn and infant). Therefore, it must have skills and abilities that are continuously updated.

he course program may contain elements of psychology and pedagogy, emotional intelligence, hygiene and well-being, the child’s mental and motor development, childhood diseases and vaccinations, first aid interventions, developmental disorders, but also administrative and web marketing elements. Those who propose to work in areas or structures that require the title of Childcare Assistant as well as professional skills, are required to have access:

At the end of the training course a certificate will be issued . Furthermore, depending on the choice of the accredited and certified training institution , certificates can also be issued for: pediatric first aid; animation techniques; meeting with an autistic child; know the Bes (special educational needs, for example children with attention disorder); the Montessori method and infant massage. At the end of the training it is then necessary to take action to find an internship. The training center where the course took place can assist in finding a structure and in managing the practices to activate it. The internship or internship is a very important phase of the training path because it allows you to gain experience in the field and have a first and important contact with the world of childhood. In addition, the internship is very qualifying , therefore once the training period at a structure is over, you are able to practice the profession immediately.